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January 2009
(click on the horse to go directly to their information)
A beautiful 2008 Monogramm ~ Fame VF great-granddaughter Filly
"Maggity Ann"
1998 Arabian Mare
Magnum Psyche x Kalila Ann by
The ChiefJustice++/
Scroll down the flyer for her information on the Horses for Sale page.
12 year old Quarter Horse
There are three things that remain -- FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE -- and the greatest of these is LOVE.
1 Corinthians 13:13
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
John 3:16
Remembering our Veterans
God Bless America
Rockin' "D" Arabian Horse Ranch 
Mary and Paul Deason and all the critters of the Rockin' D would like to say WELCOME....
and look what's happening at our place..........
We have 2008 babies!
First LILLY MAE arrived on May 7.
She and her litter mates were left on a canal and luckily they found their way to a vet tech at the Arizona Equine Hospital. All have found homes.
Then on Mothers Day, May 11, "our" 2nd baby arrived -- meet EmmiLee, a purebred Arabian foal....
MP Emma, is a first time Mom, and so she surprised us by not showing any signs of foaling that night -- we had a camera monitoring her, but Lilly Mae didn't wake me in the wee hours to go out and so I slept right through the excitement. But I did get to see her first steps.
"EmmiLee" , age 7 months, is FOR SALE! Click on her photo for more information. This filly has outstanding bloodlines and has been handled since birth -- don't miss out on this opportunity!
I will be having a new page, "Rockin D Babies" coming soon!
We also have new listings for Arabian horses that are for SALE!
Meet the dog members of our family.......
Daisy Mae
May 15, 2004 adopted from the
Big brother Luke with Lilly Mae, May 2008
Big sister, Daisy Mae with Lilly Mae, June 2008
Daisy and Luke opening Christmas presents -- they got new beds and yummy treats -- Luke seems to be wondering what Daisy has in her package. He is faster opening his presents than she is --
Christmas 2006.
Sadly we have had to say good-bye to Luke -- he had started having seizures last October and even with medication he had one over Memorial Day weekend. He was having a harder and harder time getting up and required assistance most of the time. We had been thinking about letting him go and the last seizure on that Sunday was the deciding factor for me. He was so disoriented when he came out of the seizures and had trouble moving around for a good hour afterwards. It was a heartbreaking experience each time. He was only 11 1/2 years old and he is missed by all.......
Daisy has grown up to be as tall as big brother, Luke. December 2006. The photo below was taken shortly after getting Daisy in May 2004 -- she has really grown!
2007 ended for us with a surprise purchase of a
5 year old mare, MP Emma! "Emma" came here in June for boarding and we connected almost immediately. Not having been handled very much, I spent a lot of time getting her confidence and found out how sweet she was and how she loved attention and what a quick learner she was. She came up for sale around the first of December and there were a couple of people interested in her. I couldn't get the thought out of my mind that I should buy her even though my body is wearing out and I already have 3 horses! But the thought wouldn't leave and the seller made me and a friend an offer we couldn't refuse. She is in foal, but the foal will go back to the seller. So Paul and I and our friend, Marsha, now own this beautiful mare -- what an exciting 2008 we will have! I have learned never say never!
Our youngest grand daughter, Madeline, is giving Emma lots of attention. More phots are on
ZA Star Zapphire (Taffy), pictured here in May 2006 , has an updated website all of her own -- check it out!
Kaladdinn is back in the San Tan Regional Park this time being ridden by Megan who is leasing him -- for more pictures please go to our Horsin Around Arizona page........
September 2006, age 8 1/2 years old.
Check out life in Arizona on our
We have recently been annexed into the Town of Gilbert (we are real city folk now!) and have a new mailing address:
2611 E. Washington Avenue
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Hi Mom Mary,
Look where Auntie Meg and I went this morning! I had so much fun! Megan woke me up this morning at 5am and we were at the river by 6am and stayed until 10am - I am soooo tired (well, Megan is probably way more tired than me!) We played in the water and I even got to see four deer! They weren't even that scary! I think this is the same place that I went when I was little, but I'm not sure. I didn't want to go in at first, but the water felt so good on this warm day. I even drank and splashed in it and there was some grass floating down the river and I grabbed it and had a snack! My new friend Whiskey went with us and he had fun too!
Love, Kaladdinn (June 2007, age 9 years old)
Back to the river -- Sept 2007
Have fun with your horses everyday and don't forget to keep the spirit of Chistmas alive all year long -- Wishing all peace, health and happiness during this wonderful and magical time of year and into 2009 too--
Happy New Year!
During this time of year, don't forget to enjoy your horses and all that Nature has to offer!
May all your hopes and dreams come true!
Please click above on all our pages to view various pictures of our life in Arizona, our wonderful Arabians, and interesting links.
Mentors for: Arabian Horse Association (AHA)
Rockin D Arabian Horse Ranch -- top left, looking east with small pasture and round pen and grassy area for "arena" work; top right is looking west toward the entrance to our development. We now have an 8 foot block wall behind the stalls and no telephone poles and a 6 foot wall along the western edge as shown in the lower left. This area also serves as pasture.
 We are a small, private facility raising Arabian and Half-Arabian horses for pleasure riding and showing, located in Gilbert, Arizona. We currently have stalls, outside covered or barn with runs, available for full-care boarding. We offer TLC with lots of carrots, automatic waterers, misters, barn fans, round pen and canal riding. Stalls cleaned twice a day and we offer individualized feed programs. Trainers, vets, and farriers nearby. Operating since 1984 and references available. Board starts at $225.00 per month and all breeds are welcome! For more photos of our place and surrounding areas, click here.
Please email for more information:
FYI: If I don't answer your email within a day or two, please CALL the above telephone number
Not sure if you, or a family member, have the time, money,
or a long-term interest to own a horse?
We have horses that may be leased, on-site, on a monthly basis
to approved riders. Call or email for details.
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