Horses for Sale
As a courtesy, we list horses for sale on our web site. We assume no responsibility for the information that is provided for
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A beautiful 2008 Monogramm ~ Fame VF great-granddaughter.
Bay filly with 4 white socks
She has an extremely sweet disposition
She is very easy to handle ~ good for farrier ~ halter trained ~ bathes and clips.
And she has been exposed to many different experiences
**Nominated for: **
Scottsdale Signature Stallion Futurity
AHA Breeders Sweepstakes
Reno Silver Sire
Her bloodlines are outstanding...........
Sire: ML Flamboyant+ by Burnen Bey ++ (Huckleberry Bey++) x Zeeata Bey (Bey Shah+)
Dam: MP Emma by Mark of Fame (Fame VF) x WCA Mon Ami (Monogramm)
"MP Emma"
Scroll down to see " Maggity Ann"
ML Flamboyant has been SOLD
Rocky is a12 years old Quarter Horse Gelding,
15 hands high, sorrel, very gentle. He has been owned by a teenager for the last two years.
Owner took lessons on him in an arena and used him on trails.
Super buy for $2,950 OBO
Contact Caitlin at
King Kaladdinn 1998 PB Gelding
Due to the untimely death of his dam, Hy Komotion, Kaladdinn is no longer being offered for sale
but an on-site lease option is available. Currently being leased.
A 1998 imprinted gelding, Kaladdinn has been shown in Class A shows in halter always placing in the top five and in the new Arabian Sport Horse Division where he placed 2nd in his class -- Arabian Sport Horse Prospects, 2 Years and Under -- December 1999.
These were taken in January 2002...
2003 Performance Show Results
East Valley Arabian Horse Association Show
November 1, 2003
Kaladdinn really made us
proud at this show -- he got Reserve Champion in Hunter Pleasure! He was ridden for the first time by Sarah, who boards her Quarter horse, Flip, here at the Rockin' D. Way to go Sarah and Kaladdinn!! What a way to end the show season!
Thank you, Sarah, for all your hard work!
Sarah also showed Kaladdinn in Western Pleasure, Equitation and Open, placing 4th.
His owner, Mary (Mom), also showed him in
Western Pleasure Novice placing 4th.
Gilbert Parks and Recreation Horse Show
February 1, 2003
A milestone was reached in Kaladdinn's life -- his owner FINALLY showed him under saddle! Mary was urged and supported by her friends and trainers to take the reins and go for it --
1st place
Western Pleasure Maiden
Horse or Rider
out of a class of 5
4th place
Western Pleasure Novice
out of a class of 7
Virginia then took Kaladdinn to a 1st place in English Pleasure Maiden Horse or Rider; and received two 3rd places -- English Pleasure Novice and English Pleasure Open
Thank you Virginia for showing him!
2002 Performance Show Results
Gilbert Parks & Recreation
Silver Buckle Show
November 9, 2002
At our last show of the season, Kaladdinn competed in three Western Pleasure classes, ridden by his most recent trainer, Bruce Novak. They placed 1st out of 4 in Western Pleasure Green Horse, 3rd out of 7 in Western Pleasure Open and 2nd in the Jack Benny Pleasure Class.
Gilbert Parks & Recreation
Silver Buckle Show
September 14, 2002
At our first show of the season, Kaladdinn was partnered with a new rider and together they competed in several English Pleasure classes riding Hunt Seat. In these classes Kaladdinn placed 4th to 6th. He improved with each class, but his placings kept on going down!! After about a 45-minute break, they went back for the "Jack Benny Class" in which all the exhibitors rode Western except for them! Kaladdinn was "good as gold", going forward well, light in the bridle and taking his canter departs perfectly. He was rewarded with a blue ribbon!!
Kaladdinn, we are thrilled - let's do it again at the next show!
2001 Show Results
Valley of the Sun Arabian Horse Association Show
July 21, 2001
Kaladdinn has just competed in his first performance class and he took 5th Place out of a class of 18 in the Huntseat Novice Horse and/or Rider class at the VSAHA show -- way to go Kaladdinn -- we were so proud of you! You acted as if you had been in the show ring for years and even though you were probably the youngest one in the group you demonstrated your athletic abilities beautifully. And this was with less than 60 days training. Can't wait to see what your future will hold!
Kaladdinn is also working well in a bosal in Western Pleasure and is being trained for carriage driving (See results below). He is now going over cavallettis. Each new skill is taken in a quiet and relaxed manner and he seems to really enjoy new challenges.
East Valley Arabian Horse Association Show,
September 2001
Driving - Novice Horse and/or Driver, 1st Place
Western Pleasure, Novice Horse and/or Rider, 1st Place
Also shown in Huntseat Equitation 13 and Under, Huntseat Pleasure 13 and Under, Huntseat Pleasure Novice Horse and/or Rider
placing 2nd - 4th
Gilbert Parks and Recreation Silver Buckle Horse Show
October 13, 2001
Western Pleasure Green Horse, 2nd (out of 10 horses) Western Pleasure Maiden Horse or Rider (1st out of 4) English Pleasure (Huntseat) Green Horse, 3rd (out of 7 horses) English Pleasure (Huntseat) Maiden Horse or Rider, 3rd
East Valley Arabian Horse Association Show
October 2001
Western Pleasure, Novice Horse and/or Rider, 2nd (out of 6 horses) Huntseat, Novice Horse and/or Rider, 3rd (out of 7 horses) Huntseat Open, 5th (11 horses)
King Kaladdinn's Sire..............
Scottsdale 2001
..........and Dam, Hy Komotion
(Lion of Judah x Alanndra)
Standing at
(480) 917-9112
(Estedamshyvoltage x Empires Kohlazart) of the
Rockin' "D" Arabian Horse Ranch
Gilbert, AZ (480) 892-1260
March 29, 1988 - June 14, 2003
Congratulations to AladdinnsBlessing on his Championship win -- Show 1 in Hunter Pleasure with Rod Owens -- SAAHA TUCSON SHOW 1 & 2 September 2002
Would like information on the whereabouts of this mare -- if you can provide me with any information, please email:
It's Hy Tyme Kadi (7/8 Arabian Grey Mare) is more generally known as "Precious" since she was so tiny when she was foaled. She is Crabbet (Raseyn, Abu Farwa, Aarief, Fershan) with a shot of Quarter Horse.
SOLD--We want to wish her new owners all kinds of fun and success with her!
She was sold again and is living somewhere in the Gilbert, Arizona area the last we heard -- please contact if you can update the information on this mare......
I own her Mom who is 26 years old and I would love to find Precious!