"The Complete Foaling Manual"
Click on the above book for a great site for foaling questions and pictures.
Click on the horses below to go to their baby pictures!
"Miss Windy Dawn" by Naturelly Bold, born 3/26/2005
"Stormy Nightz" by Naturelly Bold, born 8/17/03
Hy Komotion
Naturely an Angel
King Kaladdinn
Bold's Karmel Kandi
It's Hy Tyme Kadi
Rockin' "D" Arabian Horse Ranch | HOME
Our Foals
This is a collection of photos of the foals that have touched our lives over the years -- you gotta love those babies.
Hi, my name is Hy Komotion (Kalamity). My name came when I was 2 days old. I fell through the pipe fence and was running down the road all by myself! "Help Mom!"
I was born on 3/ 29/1988
at the Rockin' D Ranch and
got a big kiss from Mom and encouragement to get up!
I just seemed to fine things to get into, so "Kalamity" stayed as my "barn name".
I was born with big white circles around my eyes --here I am at 6 weeks -- no doubt I will be grey! Good thing my human Mom likes greys --- scroll down the page and see why...............
Here I am at 3 months --
Yes, I do believe I will
be grey!
Too bad I didn't keep the black mane and tail.........
Here I am in one of my first shows winning a blue ribbon. I was a yearling at this show.
This was Mom
Empires Kohlazart (Kohla)
Here I am in January 2002
Here is Dad
EsteDams Hy Voltage
Naturely An Angel 
Mom, Hy Komotion (Kalamity), giving her first born a welcome kiss -- I was almost born on Christmas Day so I was named
"Angel" -- my birthdate was 1/2/95
Daddy, Naturelly Bold
(Bold), lived with "Voltage" and they visited the Rockin' "D" and look what happened!
Here I am learning to show in halter -- got my first blue ribbon when I was a weanling. My new owner also showed me in Showmanship when I was about 18 months -- see photo below. I was a birthday present for her!
These photos were taken when I was about 4 years old --- wasn't I sweet?
My half-brother is King Kaladdinn (see below) and his daddy is a half-brother to my daddy, "Bold". We are all very close relatives!! And "Voltage" is my grandpa.
King Kaladdinn was born
March 8, 1998
AladdinnsBlessing x Hy Komotion were the proud parents.......
Hey Mom, are you awake?????
is my Daddy --
isn't he handsome?
I am built a lot like him.
The photo to the right is me with my mini-friend "Rowdy". He helped me to learn lots of different moves
as I tried to get him to play with me!!!
I was a "ham" right from the start! And I knew I was going to be athletic!
I love you Mom -- here's a big kiss for you! I think I am a pretty big guy at 3 weeks of age!
A couple of my pics as I was growing up!
I certainly have changed colors a lot!
And look at me now --
I think Mom and Dad are
pretty darn proud of me!
It's Hy TymeKadi (Precious) was born on March 12, 1995
Estedams Hy Voltage x Baskin (Kadi) were the proud parents......
Here's a kiss for you Mom -- I am glad
I was born on your birthday!
Wasn't I just sooooooooo PRECIOUS -- everyone said how "precious" I was when they saw me and that is how I earned my barn name. My registered name was because it took me 13 months to arrive and I was Mommy's first girl!!!!
This is Daddy -- he was quite a handsome guy! He was Kalamity's daddy too and so Kaladdinn (Voltage is his granddaddy) and I are related!!! This picture was taken in about 1994 at one of the shows in Scottsdale. His owners name was Rhett Butler........
Like all the babies here at the Rockin' D Ranch we do love the kids and the carrots that they bring! We especially loved the kindergarten/preschool field trips because we got lots and lots of carrots! I loved my friend's long hair. I almost ate it when I gave her a "hug".
Well, this is me a few years ago. I grew up to be a very pretty horse. I am almost white now that I am 7 years old and someday I hope to be in the show ring just like daddy!
I currently live with my new family at Par Excellence Farms where Aladdinns- Blessing lives (Kaladdinn's daddy).
These are the foals that Kadi has had -- Scooter and Precious are full brother and sister. Scroll down to see Silki and Scooter's baby pictures....
Hy Kalibre (Scooter) was born on March 1, 1987
EsteDams Hy Voltage x Baskadin(Kadi)
He is a full brother to Precious and as you can see below, he also turned into a beautiful grey!
He was sold in 1991 and lived in Apache Junction
where he enjoyed the desert trail riding........
Here he is at 8 weeks of age -- he earned his name because he "scooted" away from Mom and ran across the yard when he was only a few days old -- we were only going a few short steps from the pasture to the pen, but he wanted to explore the rest of the yard -- so much for baby following Mom -- from then on it was a halter and lead rope at all times!
Silver Silkadin(Silki)
was born in March1983.
Silver Rapture x Baskadin (Kadi)
were the proud parents......
He was Kadi's first foal and was a half-brother to Scooter and Precious -- they were all registered as 7/8 Arabian!
This is "daddy" who lived at Morgan's Arabians in Phoenix, AZ with Trudy Morgan his owner.
His bloodlines include Silver Commander (Silver Drift) and Rapseyn
Here is Silki at about age 3 months practicing for his Halter Class. He placed 5th in a large futurity class......
Silki was more of a "steel" grey whereas Scooter and Precious were a
"rose" grey.
This is Sliki sporting his "mohawk" hair cut. At this time he was living in Phoenix with his new owners and since he loved to rub out his mane, they roached it so it would grow out nice and long.
Bold's Karmel Kandi
was born January 2, 1995 within a minute of her
Naturely an Angel
Naturelly Bold and
ZA Star Zapphire are my parents.
"Ok, I'm here... Is it time for lunch yet? Where is it?"
I'm taking a peak at the big wide world, but I feel safe knowing Mom is so close!
Since I was so sweet and Mom's name is Taffy, I am called "Kandi".
This is my Mom,
aged 7,
ZA Star Zapphire (Taffy)
(scroll down to see Bold's latest two babies)
My Daddy, Naturelly Bold, visited the Rockin' "D" Ranch in Feb. 1994 and look what happened...
ME (and Angel, too)!
Even in Arizona we need to wear 'jammies'...
...but they sure didn't slow me down!
I soon learned that life is not all fun and games!
Buddies sharing lunch!
"Angel" (bay), "Precious"
and "Kandi"
Now that I am 18 months old I think I know it all... sassin' Mom!
"Stormy Nightz" by
Naturelly Bold born
11:30 p.m., 8/17/2003
Proud Mom, Codee, showing off her new son to owner Melody and her little friend, Kaeli. Isn't he tall?
Hey Mom, who is this? Sunny meeting his full brother, Stormy.
"Naturelly Sunny Daze" a full brother to "Stormy". Melody said that the first time we bred to Bold, he had 38 babies on the ground, 37 were Liver Chestnut, 37 were fillies. I ended up with a grey colt!
"Stormy Nightz"
March 12, 2005 (20 months) -- can't wait until he sheds out that winter coat! He is anxiously awaiting the arrival of a sister/brother in March.......
We loved "Sunny" so much, and were so impressed with his conformation, intelligence and personality that we bred to Bold again hoping for a liver chestnut filly -- well, "Stormy" didn't quite fulfill the 'filly' part, but they are hoping he will be a beautiful liver chestnut!
Congratulation, Melody and Scott on a beautiful baby!
Looks like you got a liver chestnut in the making! Stormy,
September 30, 2003
More pictures soon -- He is a perfect miniature of Daddy, Naturelly Bold! He is a gorgeous liver chestnut with dapples and still has a flaxen tail. He is probably going to top out at 15.1 or 15.2 -- he is 600 lbs at 7 months!
Stormy, May 1, 2004
"Miss Windy Dawn" by
Naturelly Bold
born March 26, 2005
Mom, Codee, should be proud -- after having two colts by Naturelly Bold, she finally gave a very special Easter present to her owners -- nice going Mom!
Miss Windy with human "Mom",
Melody, -- imprinting with a big hug!
That's my GIRL!
All snuggled in for a well
deserved rest -- will she be grey like her big brother, "Naturelly Sunny Daze"
Codee and Windy home at last --
Mom had a bout with colic and baby had diarrhea so it was off to the hospital -- poor Melody and Scott what a scare they had!
Papa Scott loving on Windy while she got her IV fluids -- I would say imprinting was going well!
Codee and Windy finally getting some fresh air at home -- 4/3/05
More photos will be coming......