Horsin' Around Arizona
King Kaladdinn

Kaladdinn is currently being leased by Megan and boy they are having some wonderful adventures!  This was taken at the first place he stayed (May 2006).  New pictures where he has moved will be coming...

The picture to the left is of him out in the San Tan Mountains last year on a ride with his best friends "Taffy"  and "Sari" -- his new boarding facility has a lot of trails out into these mountains.

Kaladdinn swimming in the Salt River, Sept 2007

:  September 2006

Kaladdinn is being leased by my friend, Megan and is living at a boarding facility in Queen Creek.  The pictures on the left show him being ridden by Megan in the San Tan Mountain Regional Park over Labor Day weekend.  I am riding her mare, Summer.  Megan and Kaladdinn are having a blast and he is in the best shape that he has ever been -- nothing like climbing mountains to firm everything up!  As you can see by the picture below, it is a beautiful place to ride and enjoy our spectacle southwestern scenery!

  Off on his first TRAIL RIDE and SWIM at the Salt River Recreational Area in Arizona after 3 weeks of performance training........


Then it was onto more serious training......  

Carriage Driving



Sport Horse
Accepting the ribbon ....
This was "Mom"s first show riding Kaladdinn and look at us -- a blue ribbon in Western Pleasure Maiden Horse or Rider
Gilbert Park and Recreation Silver Buckle Show, Feb 2003

First Reserve Champion ribbon under saddle - Hunter

East Valley Arabian Horse Association
November 1, 2003
Congratulations Sarah and THANK

YOU for riding Kaladdinn for me......
Sarah, Flip Wilson's owner, rode Kaladdinn in Western Pleasure classes placing 4th; Owner, Mary, also got a 4th place in Western Pleasure Novice Rider or Horse..
November 1, 2003

East Valley Arabian Horse Association
May 8, 2004

You did it again Kaladdinn,
Reserve Champion Hunter Pleasure

Congratulations to Mary S. and
for riding Kaladdinn for me!

Horsin' Around with ZA Star Zapphire (Taffy)

Horsin with the AZ grandkids........

Horsin'  with the neighbors...
Horsin' around on a Sunday afternoon!
Taffy always has time to give a good riding lesson to some friends, Feb 2005
Taffy, on the far right, is helping another friend get some riding skills, Feb 2005
Taffy giving a ride to Marin, our granddaughter from California....Dec 2004.

Horsin' Around with  Kandi
(Bolds Karmel Kandi)

Horsin' around with the grandchildren....Kandi giving the California grandchildren a nice little ride, Dec 2004.

Horsin' around on the trails -- Kandi and Marsha riding in the Gilbert Riparian, winter 2004

Horsin' Around with Kalamity
(Hy Komotion)....

Equine Massage
 by "Equine Visions", Diane "DJ" Jarman  CEMT
623-434-3513 (home)

Merry Christmas, Kalamity

All for me?
One of my students decided "Miss Kalamity" needed a Christmas present too, so he "wrapped" up some carrots for her.  Here she is opening her present and enjoying the treat!

In the last photo she just had to get rid of that ribbon!

New Years Day....
                     with the grandchildren and their parents....

with Mom...

Horsin' Around With New Foals......
Wecome to the world ,"Erica"
One of Kaladdinn's "best friends" is a mare called "Chloe" who lives next door. She had her first foal on April 6, 2003 -- a filly -- and we were able to be with her for this new little miracle!  What a thrill!
Daddy is a quarter horse named "Ima Cool Summer" and he definitely throws "color"
These pictures were taken when "Erica" was about a day and a half.  She has turned out to be very feisty!

Here is Kaladdinn checking out Chloe and her new baby -- he was quite surprised to find another "horse" in with Chloe and really thought this new little one belonged to him!

We sadly report that this beautiful filly developed a stomach rupture and was humanely put down on November 18, 2003 at the
 age of  7 months.
Exploring the big new world!  Hey Mom, this is much better than the stall!
 Oh how you brightened our lives the short while you were here -- you will be missed, Erica.

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