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A collection of pictures
of all our critters - both horses and dogs...
Dasiy Mae (7 months) and Luke (7 years) Sept 2004
Dreyfuss at age 11 (left) and Luke (age 5) Jan 2002
8/18/2003 -- Sadly Dreyfuss (on the left) took his trip over the
We all miss him terribly but will always remember what a very special friend he was.
Here are our other four-legged friends, Luke and Dreyfuss, our Goldens, enjoying their Christmas treats.
They would like you to check out one of their favorite sites:
(RAGof AZ)
A success story...
"Napoleon, now known as Leo, came to us with the label 'out of control, 17 months old, too exuberant for a five-year-old son'. Leo couldn't be more the opposite. He is such an easy going guy, and my 3-year-old daughter Allyson's 'Best Bud'. They can always be found together. We love him and are so fortunate that he came into our lives the way he did. Thank you, RAGof AZ!"
by Kelly Hill,
"RAGofAZ" 2002 Calendar